Monday, 17 February 2014

Monday 17th February 2014

This morning it was blowing about fifty five knots all day. Some sea ice has blown out in Kista Strait but the sea ice still looks to be firmly fixed as far out as you can see. After sorting my email and doing ARPANSA, I worked on my blog for a few hours. In the afternoon I went and put signs up in Shackleton hut, Wilkes hut, Dovers hut, Weddell hut, the old works hut and the old electricians hut. I then spent about three hours cleaning Dovers hut which was a mess and full of rubbish. It was too windy to cart all the rubbish away so I piled it at the front cold porch until we get a nice day with light winds. By the time I had finished I was filthy and had to immediately go and have a shower and wash my cloths.
Dovers hut erected 1969
Old electricians store erected 1954


  1. Hi Craig: I can see clear water in the harbour - but how far out does it go?
